Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, March 19, 2012

27 weeks (1 day)- Head of Cauliflower!

Hellllllllllllllllllllo third trimester!!!! 2/3 of the way done! YAHOO!!!! I can’t believe today we are down to exactly 90 days, and we’re starting the third trimester!! We are in the home stretch!! That is SO exciting!!! I feel like time is only going faster right now, and I don’t see it slowing down any time soon (except for the last month, which I hear DRAGS.. LOL).   This weekend we finished up peanuts nursery, all except the book ends we are making and the glider we are receiving as a shower gift.. J We absolutely LOVE it!!! We spend so much time in there just looking around, and picturing our wee one in his room! J This is such an exciting time for me n Dev, and we are going to really enjoy these last 3 months (especially now that we can check nursery off our “to-do” list). After June, our lives will never be the same! J Everything is going to change, and for the better! We absolutely CAN NOT wait!!! J

This week Brax is about 2.5 pounds, and 16 inches from HEAD to TOE! Our lil boy is getting SO big!! This week Brax will recognize mine n Devin’s voices (even though muffled, he still hears them every day and has grown to learn them)! We KNOW this is true!!! Last Wednesday was the absolute BEST day of my entire pregnancy so far! Dev and I were laying on the couch watching the Jazz game, and peanut started movin ALL around.. He was doing little acrobats.. LOL.. I told Dev to feel my belly (he has been WAITING for what he calls BIG movements, as Brax’s have been little with my uterus positioning till now), well he grabbed on and Brax went absolutely CRAZY, I swear you could feel every movement he made!!! Dev leaned in towards my belly and started telling Brax all about the Jazz (SO cute.. LOL), and we watched as Brax moved and shifted all over my tummy! This was the FIRST time we have been able to see his movements through my belly! We were SO excited!! We just sat there and watched as our little boy made his presence known! It was the most exciting thing EVER!!! Since then Brax’s movements have been MUCH more prevalent, and you can still see him movin each night (he wakes up every night between 8-9 and does his nightly ninja routine.. LOL). This week, its said that Brax’s lungs are almost completely mature! And MOST babies born this early on have a really good survival rate! With that being said, Brax is staying in place for 12 more weeks!!! LOL.

How far along? 27 weeks (1 day), Third trimester baby!!
Due Date: Still June 17! We’ll see if that changes tomorrow!
Total weight gain/loss: Not too sure?! I’ll find out tomorrow.. LOL. 
Maternity clothes: Yep! And I LOVE how comfy I am!!! Seriously, leggings are the next best thing to jammies, so the fact I can wear them to work is AWESOME! LOL..
Sleep: Aye aye aye… Last night was NOT a good night.. I couldn’t get comfortable for the life of me.. And once I thought I found a good position, 2 minutes later I was completely uncomfortable, and on the hunt for a new position.. It was a rough night to say the least.. I told Dev I HOPE this isn’t the start of being uncomfortable, cuz its gonna be a long 3 months if so.. Then I got in to work, and first thing I read on What to expect when you’re expecting, is SO LONG to the days of being comfortable, and HELLO being uncomfortable.. Boooo… LOL.. Good thing this lil babe is SO worth it!
Best moment this week: ABSOLUTELY, without a doubt seeing baby boy move Wednesday, and react so strongly to his daddy!!! J Dev always said Brax was gonna be a mommys boy, I think he proved that ALL WRONG Wednesday, he already adores his daddy! J
Movement: SO SO SO SO very much!!!
Food cravings: Strawberries, Raspberries, water, wheat thins (lol) and still slurpees!
Food aversions: Still Alfredo sauce, and chicken… ICK!!
Gender: Baby BOY!! J
Labor Signs: NONE!
Belly Button in or out? Still about 50/50!! Really weird looking! LOL!
What I miss: Being comfortable FOR SURE.. Not having rib/back pain.. Being able to sleep on my belly.. Being able to bend over to pick something up, put on socks, or even just touch my toes… LOL..
What I am looking forward to: Our doctor appointment tomorrow! We get another ultrasound and we CAN NOT wait to see our boy!
Stretch marks: Ugh….
Wedding ring on/off: ON!!
Mood: Really excited!!! I had a couple days last week where the hormones were a little high, and I cried.. A LOT.. LOL. But this week I am really excited, and happy!!
Milestones: Hitting the third trimester mark!! YAHOOOOOO!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see the nursery finished. I bet Brax will love getting slurpees when he is older. You are the cutest pregnant lady! :) That boy will come out with a Jazz jersey on!
